Create User With Specific Roles & Permission

Slurp Support

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

This function is for restaurant owners who wants to give specific login permission to any staff or partners. First, you need CREATE the permission.

1. Go to Access Control and click at the 'Roles & Permission'.

2. Click on 'Create Role'.

3. Here you can select two function here. 'View' or 'Manage'. View means that the user can only view the item without the ability to edit or create. For 'Manage', the user can edit, remove and create the item. Click on the 'Save' button once done.

4. Go to 'Users' and click on 'Create User'.

5. Key in the detail for user and select 'Outlets and Roles'. Please use a valid email for the user. Slurp! will then send a confirmation email to the e-mail address registered.

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